Watch the video below to learn more about this course.
Comprehension, Describing requirements, Contacting a professional, Making appointments, Writing a simple job application, Describing your skill set, Sharing news, Giving & receiving advice, Sharing experiences, Giving information, asking questions.
- This course follows a story. Please do the modules in sequence for the story to unfold.
- Read an adverstisement from a company looking for people to provide a service.
- Practise your comprehension by answering several questions.
- Learn about mystery shopping. (Video)
- Practise contacting an organisation and offering your skill set.
- Practise contacting a friend and making arrangements.
- Practise booking a table at a restaurant.
- Practise describing a restaurant experience.
- Practcise sharing information with other people.
Target audiences
- This course is suitable for all who have intermediate or higher skills in English.